Matthew Hodgins will provide you a first class Professional Development Program! Here’s how Matthew’s Drumming Workshop will inspire, engage and unify your team during a session:
– Harmonic Teamwork: is explored through leadership, communication & listening.
– Stress Reduction: by way of this therapeutic-activity and proven to increase well being.
– Energize & Motivate: by way of this EXCITING & uplifting activity; and having real fun w/ colleagues.
– Stimulate Cognitive & Physical Function: participants get a refreshed perception of themselves, and their role at work and much more.
Here is what you all will take away from the session:
– An atmosphere of celebration in the workplace;
– fond and productive memories;
– socio-economic & emotional health; and
– a determination to improve & work better!
The key word here is facilitator. Matthew will guide you all to (a significant form of) success, and he will unite you all for a wonderful moment in time! Matthew’s ‘Drumming Workshop’ can be the focus of an Event or a COMPONENT in a Staff Training Event. Matthew will slot in to your Event in a professional, collegiate fashion and he does not overpower your presence or leadership of event. Conferences and Staff Events are multi disciplinary, so Matthew works alongside all your experts and expertise. That’s teamwork right?